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It’s time to stop ruining our streetsscapes with fourplex apartment buildings. There is nothing positive to be said about a parking lot replacing a front yard. Homeowners who have had to endure these atrocious builds face nothing but a decrease in property value. Try selling your home after a parkin lot has been built beside it. It’s a total disregard for taxpaying homeowners.  

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Consultation has concluded

Donna Ross Henderson over 5 years ago
Have attended meetings to object to these but to no avail. Bylaws need to change for objections to be heard. If there is minimum space they just rubber stamp the permit and move on. Town councilors don't care.
Share Have attended meetings to object to these but to no avail. Bylaws need to change for objections to be heard. If there is minimum space they just rubber stamp the permit and move on. Town councilors don't care. on Facebook Share Have attended meetings to object to these but to no avail. Bylaws need to change for objections to be heard. If there is minimum space they just rubber stamp the permit and move on. Town councilors don't care. on Twitter Share Have attended meetings to object to these but to no avail. Bylaws need to change for objections to be heard. If there is minimum space they just rubber stamp the permit and move on. Town councilors don't care. on Linkedin Email Have attended meetings to object to these but to no avail. Bylaws need to change for objections to be heard. If there is minimum space they just rubber stamp the permit and move on. Town councilors don't care. link