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2025 Budget Survey

Welcome to the 2025 Budget Survey. 

Thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this survey. The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. 

The 2025 Municipal Budget Survey will close on July 21st.


Do you live and/or own a business in North Perth?

* required

What is your age?

* required

How familiar are you with how the Municipality develops the annual Budgets?

* required

What topics are most important to you when it comes to the budget?

* required
Arenas and Community Centres
Building, Planning and Development
By-law Enforcement
Community and Recreation Programs
Communication and Public Engagement
Customer Service
Economic Development
Firefighting and Fire Prevention
Parks, Greenspaces, and Trails
Library Services
Physician Recruitment
Public Transit (PC Connect / Mobility Bus)
Road and Sidewalk Maintenance
Skills Development and Training (Set7)
Stormwater Management
Traffic and Pedestrian Safety
Waste and Recycling Collection
Water and Wastewater Services

The following services are partially funded by user fees. Please identify which service(s) you would support an increase in user fees to reduce reliance on property taxes:


Due to the increased cost of maintaining service levels and supporting infrastructure, the Municipality must balance property taxes with increasing demands for services. The Municipality has a number of options when balancing the budget, which includes the management of services. 

Please indicate which of the following statements below comes close to capturing your point of view:

* required

Property taxes in North Perth contribute to the maintenance and development of our community's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, parks, community centres, arenas, libraries, and other municipal facilities. As our municipality grows and our infrastructure ages, additional funds will be needed to ensure these facilities are properly maintained and to support new construction projects.

In light of these needs, please indicate your level of support for North Perth increasing property taxes to fund infrastructure maintenance, renewal and construction:

* required

North Perth is developing an Attainable Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP proposes financial grant programs, funded through property taxes, that will incentivize the creation of affordable and attainable rental housing by property owners.

Please indicate your level of support for North Perth increasing property taxes to invest in attainable and affordable housing:

* required